July 27, 2006

The evaluation process

When training employees for forklift operation, you must evaluate their progress, in the classroom and the field. Rob Vetter, technical director with the Ives Training Group, a mobile equipment training company, offers the following tips on evaluation, which originally appeared at www.Forkliftaction.com.

Classroom training -- Your evaluation of trainees’ classroom training should involve discussion and interaction, followed by a standardized test. When issuing a written test:
• Review the theory content of the training before giving the test.
• Ensure you are satisfied with the trainees’ level of understanding beforehand.
• Do not leave the room while trainees take the test.
• Collect and grade the test yourself.
• Return graded tests to trainees and review them to help trainees understand their mistakes.

In the field -- The practical evaluation process is conducted quite differently from the training process. When conducting practical evaluations in the field:
• Conduct one-on-one evaluations with each trainee.
• Issue simple tasks, one at a time.
• Move around so you can see, but stay out of the way of the trainee’s peripheral vision.
• You can speak to the trainee but do not coach, training is over.
• Always complete the evaluation regardless of early results; remember you are out there to gather information, not pass or fail.
• Stop the evaluation after six to 10 loads or if it becomes hazardous to continue.
• De-brief operators on their performance in the classroom and in the field. This is the time to clear up any concerns you may have regarding a trainee’s knowledge and/or performance.


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