January 03, 2006


A 37-year-old shop foreman in Oklahoma died in a forklift accident because the truck wasn’t equipped with a seatbelt and when it overturned the victim fell out of the truck and was crushed.

Since 1992, all forklifts come equipped with seatbelts and older ones can be retrofitted. But some forklifts still don’t have seatbelts and they are not required by OSHA, which creates a severe hazard for drivers.

Seat belts are essential to protect drivers from overturn situations, because the risk of being crushed is reduced if the driver is secured and remains inside the vehicle.

Employers should provide seatbelts to forklift operators and train them to use them. It’s the best way to promote safe operating procedures in the event of overturns, which are the leading cause of forklift fatalites.


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